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Patent MarketPlace: Optics, Display, Video and LED Patents for Sale

Next-Generation Broadband Semiconductor Light Sources for Optical Sensing Applications (GDAC): U.S. Patent Nos. 8,259,304; 8,269,977; and 9,158,057

The super-luminescent light-emitting diode (SLD) is based on a semiconductor chip that is much like a diode laser. Its many applications include interferometric fiber optic gyroscopes for guidance and navigation, optical coherence tomography for medical and industrial diagnostics, distributed fiber optics systems for structural stress sensing, and infrared illumination for night vision imaging. However, the current state-of-the-art angled-stripe SLD has insufficient functionality – its output power is limited by spectral ripples caused by residual reflections at both facets, its injection current is much higher than laser, it has low efficiency due to wasted power from back facet, and it has diminished reliability compared to lasers because of high injection current. The current generation of SLDs needs to eliminate spectral ripples, improve injection current, increase efficiency, and acquire the capability for high-output power.

This patent family allows creation of a device that has the ability to decouple the structure from front facet and eliminate ripples caused by front facet feedback. It also allows the back-facet reflection to reflect backward propagating light and amplifying it using a double pass through the structure. The resultant double-pass SLD has much higher output power capability than the current generation of SLD and is ripple-free. It also requires a significantly lower drive current for the same output power, resulting in much lower heating, which produces improved efficiency, higher reliability, and a product lifetime comparable to that of lasers.

U.S. Patent Nos. 8,259,304 and 8,269,977 for a “Broadband discrete spectrum optical source” relate to the field of multi-channel broadband optical communication. They involve a method of implementing what is a generally called a "frequency comb,” containing tens of individual frequency components from a single semiconductor chip, in which each frequency component can be individually modulated with data and serve as the carrier frequency for separate optical communication channels. U.S. Patent No. 9,158,057 for a “Semiconductor light source free from facet reflections” would enable any provider of interferometric fiber optic gyros, distributed fiber optic sensors, and speckle-free night vision imaging to leapfrog the technology of all of its competitors!

Hyperspectral Augmented Reality Device (Syso): U.S. Patent No. 10,621,438

There are many situations in which we are looking for things that are not in plain sight. Such is the situation in military reconnaissance, security applications, and border control, as well as oil drilling, mining, waste management, agriculture, and nuclear power plant operation, to name just a few.

This patent addresses that need by using augmented reality (AR) modality combined with a fusion of spectral sensors. Unlike conventional AR devices that rely on cameras operating in the visible range for co-registering augmented information, the device protected by this patent employs a fusion of imaging sensors spanning from ultraviolet to long-wave (thermal) ranges. This feature enables the extraction of actionable information from the spectral range that is most appropriate for the given situation. The data is then co-registered and displayed on AR glasses with a geospatial tag. Shortwave infrared sensors (SWIRs) are also included for detecting specific elements such as chemical traces from hazardous materials, thereby enhancing situational awareness in battlefields, hazardous areas, factory floors, and during reconnaissance and surveillance operations.

The patented technology can be used to create next-generation surveillance helmets, goggles, and other wearables featuring heads-up displays. These devices display real-time detections from the built-in sensor fusion along with previously collected intelligence and real-time data from remote imagers like satellites and drones. Thanks to advancements in the miniaturization of both AR technology and spectral sensors, these devices are compact and lightweight, thereby imposing only a minimal hindrance to the user.

U.S. Patent No. 10,621,438 for a “Hybrid hyperspectral augmented reality device” can be used to build high-end safety viewing devices for the military, border patrol, and police as well as factory, oil field, mining, nuclear power plant, and waste management personnel.

Touch Sensor for Larger Screens (Arolltech): U.S. Patent No. 8,994,669

Touch sensors on screens are more popular than ever – especially on smart phones and other personal electronic devices. However, for larger screens – especially those that are 20 inches or larger – the current technology is just not practical because there is a motion lag, and users want a crisp, fast response.

This patent creates a touch sensor for larger screens such as those on televisions and white boards. The current generation of touch screens require two panes of glass to function smoothly, but for a larger screen two sheets of glass is just not practical – especially in terms of the weight it adds. This patent eliminates the need for a second pane of glass, and creates an effective touch sensor on the same color filter glass. In addition, display manufacturers can make such touch sensors in their existing color filter fabrication facilities without investing millions in additional touch sensor fabrication.

U.S. Patent No. 8,994,669 for a “Display with in-cell touch sensor” would enable any manufacturer of 20-inch or larger monitors, televisions, or other displays to offer touch sensor controls that are fast and responsive.

Ultra-Miniature Multi-Lens Array 3D Camera (NanoLight): U.S. Patent No. 8,077,245

As all electronic devices – from notebooks to smartphones – get smaller and smaller while at the same time adding more and more features and longer battery life, the need is greater than ever for a smaller camera that will take up less room and weigh less – but will deliver quality images. That camera has arrived.

The revolutionary technology covered by this patent allows a high definition mega-pixel camera to be flattened to about the thickness of a postage stamp. The invention replaces the external lens and collapses the entire apparatus into a sandwich including induction or battery powered circuitry, printed pixel and lens array. Each tiny lens rests over a sensor layer of a number of pixels depending on the limit of the lens. Each of these nano-assemblies becomes a nano-sized camera receiving fuzzy or "noisy" images. However the entire assembly of multiple mini cameras is sharpened through computerized interpolation transformation of each of the images to present the observer with a single high-resolution image. Since each element receives slightly different spatial information from the observed object, it also becomes possible to render 3D imaging and depth information.

U.S. Patent No. 8,077,245 for an “Apparatus for imaging using an array of lenses” would be a critical acquisition for any camera, PC, or smartphone manufacturer, enabling its acquirer to leap-frog all current “nano-camera” technologies. The nano-camera developed from this patent has applications in security and surveillance, medical electronics and diagnostics, endoscopy, smart phones, and medical research to name just a few!

Rearview Camera and Display for Bicycles (Gindin): U.S. Patent Nos. 9,414,634 and 11,198,399

Cycling is popular because it is fun, low-cost, and healthy. And it uses no gasoline. But it is also dangerous because cyclists cannot see behind them without a turning their heads and taking their eyes off the road ahead of them. A rearview mirror has a limited field of view that restricts what the bicyclist can really see. Add to these factors the increasing number of distracted drivers, and one can see why bicycle accidents and injuries – and, unfortunately, deaths – are on the rise.

There are bicycle camera systems that record the view behind the bike, but they do not provide real-time input for the bicyclist. Bicycle radar systems have trouble distinguishing between a fast-approaching vehicle and the mailbox the cyclist just passed. This patent portfolio covers technology that provides the first real-time view of rear-approaching traffic for a bicyclist. It also makes a recording of what it viewed. Should there be an accident, this video will be critical evidence in criminal or civil proceedings.

U.S. Patent No. 9,414,634 for a “Camera equipped helmet” creates a helmet-mounted rear-facing camera and helmet-mounted display for a bicyclist. U.S. Patent No. 11,198,399 for a “Personal vehicle visual monitoring controller” covers a rear-facing camera that is mounted to the bicycle seat and includes a handle-bar mounted display for the bicyclist. These patents would be critical acquisitions for any manufacturer of bicycles, recumbents, tandems, velomobiles, and e-bikes to create a lifesaving accessory for the bikes it sells. Or a cycling accessories manufacturer can use this patented technology to create a safety product for both bikes and bicyclist helmets. Additionally, a video electronics OEM can acquire this portfolio and use the technology to create and own a new market segment.

More Attractive Version of a Photo or Video (Dichenko): U.S. Patent No. 10,991,082 and App

Everyone has taken several pictures of the same scene, but could not decide which one is best. Or, an illustration has to be selected for an advertisement or packaging or some other purpose, and there are several to select from. Which is the most attractive? For some people, this can be critical decision. If you work for an ad agency or a publisher, the image you select can have a profound impact on your client's business!

The invention covered by this patent addresses exactly that dilemma. It includes technology that has the ability to determine the degree of attractiveness of an image, video, or music from among several similar photos, videos, or compositions. This patent covers technology that creates a highly effective photographic assistant that uses the latest scientific advances in image perception physiology and photo image elements algorithms. It analyzes detailed color data from each pixel of a several images, then rates each image in terms of attractiveness using an algorithm to determine the attractiveness coefficient (AC) of an image. The higher the AC, the more attractive the picture is for humans to view. This technology enables any set of photos, posters, illustrations, or other images – or video or musical pieces – to be ranked in terms of attractiveness to the largest human audience.

U.S. Patent No. 10,991,082 for “Determining an optimality coefficient of an image” can be used not just to make still images and videos more attractive, but to assist in selecting a wardrobe or choosing colors for interior design, color schemes, logos, packaging, and other visuals. The algorithm in the patent can even be used for the construction of metaverses! The patent comes with an app, PictureTheOne, so the acquirer of the patent can go to market immediately with a product based on the patented technology!

Find Photos of Your Favorite People (Zeppelin): U.S. Patent No. 9,277,086

Most people today use their smartphones as cameras. And the photos we now keep on our phones replace the photo albums of just a few years ago. The problem for most people is that it is so easy to take a photo, and so easy to store a photo, that we quickly end up with hundreds of photos. And that makes it difficult to find a specific photo, or photos of a specific person, among hundreds of photos we have.

The technology covered by this patent enables a smartphone user to more quickly find photos of a certain person – be it your husband or wife, your boyfriend or girlfriend, your son or daughter, or anyone else. The technology scans all of your photos, and sorts them into groups of the most popular persons. Once you identify a specific person – your fiancé, for example – the technology uses facial recognition to locate all photos of your fiancé. And, every time you take a picture that includes him, it is added to the group, enabling you to now search for photos by name – rather than having to scroll through hundreds of photos – to show your friends the man of our dreams.

U.S. Patent No. 9,277,086 for a “Photograph sorting method for portable communication device” would enable any smartphone manufacturer to add yet another level of added value to its products. This patent has a Claim Chart that is available upon request.

Redaction, Encryption, and Tracking of Faces in Videos (NOA): U.S. Patent No. 10,284,885 and Patent Application

Most police vehicles have dash cams, and many police officers wear body cams. Police regularly use video surveillance to track bad guys. In addition to these police-generated videos, there are all the businesses with security cameras, traffic cameras, home security systems with cameras, and all those smartphone-generated videos. The result is that videos are increasingly being used by the police to investigate crimes and as evidence in criminal proceedings. Authorities often need to – and in many jurisdictions must – release such videos on demand while protecting the personal information in the videos. Manual face redaction is a common methodology to protect the identities of those in the videos, but the storage and distribution of multiple versions of a video (both redacted and unredacted) are complex and prone to leakage of sensitive information.

U.S. Patent No. 10,284,885 addresses exactly that need. The patent was developed with a grant from the National Science Foundation. When a video is archived, the skin tone of the person or persons in the video is automatically encrypted while the video is compressed. This keeps the identity of each individual protected so that a released or leaked version will not reveal the identity or identities of those in the video. When a properly credentialed person accesses the video, an unredacted version – with the original facial features – is produced that is watermarked with a code that matches it to the credentialed person to whom the video was released. Should the unredacted video be leaked, the watermark will reveal who leaked it!

U.S. Patent No. 10,284,885 and divisional U.S. Patent Application 20190218407 for a “Method and apparatus for redacting video for compression and identification of releasing party” would be a critical acquisition for any producer of police video systems or manufacturer of video equipment – especially video editing and storage devices – that is ready to offer a valuable new product to police agencies, governments, and businesses.

Solar Powered LCD Billboard: (Chan): U.S. Patent No. 7,929,065

We’ve come a long way from the roadside billboards with state troopers hiding behind them looking for speeders. Conventional ink-on-paper billboards are being quickly replaced with self-illuminated billboards. Most use LCD illumination, and can be remotely programmed for each new advertiser, and can show a rotating set of advertising messages.

This patent takes the self-illuminated LCD billboard to the next level by adding solar panels and a battery to store the electricity so it is not necessary to run electrical power to the billboard. In fact, a sign of any size can be created from the invention covered by this patent, from small signs directing customers where to go at large events, to signs directing traffic during construction, to signs promoting product promotions, to full-size, roadside billboards.

U.S. Patent No. 7,929,065 for an “LCD hanging brand using solar energy for advertising” comes with Hong Kong Patent Application 1119817. This portfolio gives any manufacturer of LCD-based products the opportunity to launch a new, patent-protected product line with broad applications across many industries.

Dual-Color Day-Night Laser Gun Sight (Gray): U.S. Patent No. 10,436,552

When a police officer pulls out his or her gun, or a soldier goes into battle, there is a haunting fear: Shooting the wrong person or what is known as “friendly fire.” Accuracy for handguns and rifles has been dramatically improved with the addition of laser gun sights. The bullet will impact the target where the dot from the laser appears, dramatically improving not just accuracy, but also reducing response time for the gun user, so laser gun sights are growing in popularity.

But laser gun sights have one ongoing, serious drawback. There are green laser gun sights for daytime use and red laser gun sights for nighttime use. So what does a police officer, for example, on the evening shift do when the first half of his shift is during daylight and the second half is after the sun goes down? The invention covered by this patent addresses that need head on. It creates a single-unit dual-color, red-or-green laser gun sight that can be used day and night. The invention includes an ambient light sensor that can be set to automatically change from a green-to-red or a red-to-green laser as needed based on the lighting. Or the color can be selected by the user.

U.S. Patent No. 10,436,552 for a “Dual color laser gun sight” would be a strategic acquisition for any gun manufacturer or supplier of laser gun sights that is looking for a critical competitive advantage.

3D Viewing without 3D Goggles (Liechtenstein): Two U.S. Patents

One of the major drawbacks and limitations of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are the headsets. The lenses in the headsets make the reality of the image being viewed possible, but VR and AR headsets are heavy and uncomfortable. They cause eye strain and they severely limit viewing time.

This portfolio takes VR and AR to the next level by eliminating the need for stereoscopic viewing aids. It pioneers the concept of gaze-contingent refocusing which will clearly be the new standard in VR and AR. The technology provides the viewer with an enhanced three-dimensional experience without 3D goggles! It enables the user to view plenoptic still images or plenoptic video that incorporates gaze-contingent refocusing that enhances spatial perception and creates embedded markers in the plenoptic video feed that control depth plane settings for each scene.

This portfolio also introduces a novel mode of transitioning between different depth planes, tricking the human eye into perceiving enhanced depth. In fact, the portfolio creates a display device with depth perception that is significantly enhanced compared to anything currently on the market. The portfolio discloses a non-transitory computer-readable medium on which program instructions are stored. When executed by a processor, those instructions enable the processor to determine how long the user's gaze is fixated on each of a plurality of depth planes so that refocusing is contingent on a number of parameters. Using goggles, the VR and AR images are many times more vivid and realistic, especially in terms of depth of field.

U.S. Patent Nos. 10,218,968 and 10,341,352 for a “Gaze initiated interaction technique” would be a strategic acquisition for any supplier of virtual or augmented reality equipment, enabling the acquirer to leapfrog the technology of all of its competitors. Claim Charts are available upon request.

Next-Generation Flat-Panel LED Platform (Byeong-Jun): International Patent Portfolio

LED lighting fixtures are replacing conventional incandescent and fluorescent fixtures in all applications – from residential to commercial to automotive. And to make LED lighting easy to install and replace, they fit into the same sockets as conventional incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. However, flat-panel LEDs do not have socket fasteners, making replacement of them a problem. This portfolio takes LED lighting to the next level by creating an LED platform that is easier to install and maintain.

Using a power supply connector that is connected to the frame of the fixture, the portfolio creates a lighting platform that replaces the current flat-panel LED lighting fixtures with next-generation LED fixtures for which replacing flat-panel LEDs is quicker and easier. The platform re-uses the housing, and that saves money. Also, the lighting fixture produces significantly less glare, and its ingenious design uses less power. This portfolio creates a flat-panel LED lighting platform that is smaller, cheaper, easier-to-install, easier-to-service, produces less glare, and uses less electricity. It is clearly the next generation of residential and commercial LED lighting!

The portfolio consists of U.S. Patent No. 10,139,092 for a “Lighting assembly” plus Chinese Patent 107076371 as well as Australian and Russian patents. This portfolio would be a strategic acquisition for any LED lighting systems manufacturer. Working prototypes are available upon request for interested parties.

Video Enhancement (HDRLog): U.S. Patent No. 9,607,365

Not every video is as clear and focused as we had hoped it would be. If you cannot retake the video, what are your options?

This portfolio covers a technology that enhances the quality of still images from an image issued from a burst and videos by feeding the original media into a computing device that does stacking and morphing on each frame against neighboring images to enhance the original image’s quality.

For each neighboring frame, each pixel is moved to correspond to the image media. Once all the neighboring frames are processed, they are stacked in order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and create a composite HDR image that has no unwanted spots or luminosity fluctuation and is crisper and more vibrant than the original.

U.S. Patent No. 9,607,365 for “Systems and methods for enhancing quality of image media” comes with French Patent 2996034 for “Systems and methods for improving the quality of visual media.” This patent family can be used to create image-enhancing software for use by both professional and amateur photographers and videographers, television broadcasters, video production companies, smartphone OEMs, camera and video equipment manufacturers, and video restorers, allowing owners of archive media to meet the latest HDR TV standards.

Combination LED/Smoke Detector (Athena): Four U.S. Patents

There was a time when cell phones just made phone calls. Today they are smart phones, and they take pictures and video, access your email, schedule your events, provide driving directions, and help you find the best chili in town. What happened to cell phones is about to happen to light bulbs and light fixtures. Since Thomas Edison invented the light bulb 140 years ago, the only major improvement has been the replacement of incandescent filament bulbs with LED fixtures. The next major advancement is here.

This intriguing patent portfolio converts an LED lamp into a combination lamp-and-smoke/CO/gas detector. No tools needed. Just screw it in. This portfolio enables each combo LED and smoke/CO/gas detector to communicate with each other and flash color-coded signals that guide residents to safety in the event of a fire or other emergency. They also broadcast warning messages, they are voice-activated, and they can be used to create an intercom system. These super-combo units can be used to supplement conventional smoke/CO/gas alarms, quickly install a smoke/CO/gas alarm where one is needed, be used in place of conventional smoke/CO/gas alarms, or be integrated into a Smart Home/Smart Office network. They run off rechargeable batteries so they work during power outages, and they can be configured to communicate with residents during an emergency.

Branded “LampLife Detector™” by the inventors, the products covered by this portfolio will forever change the lighting products, smoke/CO/gas alarm, and Smart Home/Smart Office industries! Applications include not just the replacement of current light bulbs with these multi-functional super-combo bulbs, the technology can also be incorporated into the next generation of residential and commercial renovations and all new construction to replace the unattractive conventional smoke/CO alarms with attractive lighting fixtures that perform multiple functions.

This portfolio will give any LED bulb manufacturer, or smoke/CO alarm manufacturer, or Smart Home/Smart Office equipment manufacturer, or systems integrator the opportunity to leapfrog all of its competitors and offer what will unquestionably be the next generation of LED lamps, smoke/CO/gas detectors, and Smart Home/Smart Office safety components!

Patent Portfolio

U.S. Patent No. 9,747,763: Networked audible and visual alarm apparatus and method of synchronized alerting
U.S. Patent No. 10,028,357: LED light bulb, lamp fixture with self-networking intercom, system and method therefore
U.S. Patent No. 10,176,805: Networked audible and visual alarm light system and method with voice command control and base station having alarm for smoke, carbon monoxide and gas
U.S. Patent No. 10,262,525: Networked audible and visual alarm apparatus for synchronized alerting with a base station and electronic coding for each alarm

This portfolio will give any LED bulb manufacturer, or smoke/CO alarm manufacturer, or Smart Home/Smart Office equipment manufacturer or systems integrator the opportunity to leapfrog all of its competitors and offer what will unquestionably be the next generation of LED lamps, smoke/CO/gas detectors and Smart Home/Smart Office safety components!

Zigbee is a registered trademark of Zigbee Alliance Corporation.

LampLife Detector is trademark of Athena Patent Development LLC.

Next Generation OLED Technology (NTHU): 15 U.S. Patents plus Foreign Counterparts

Just recently, plasma technology was the only competitor for LCD televisions, but OLED technology has replaced plasma, and is giving LCD technology a run for its money. OLED offers better black level and better contrast ratio than LCD, producing a cleaner, crisper image for the viewer at about the same cost. This extensive portfolio of 19 patent families from the prestigious National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan covers both the latest OLED technology and cutting-edge manufacturing techniques for OLED.

Patent or App. No. Title
U.S. Patent No. 6,861,163
Japanese Patent No. 3848296
Korean Patent No. 10-0527348
Taiwan Patent No. I205080
Aromatic compounds and organic light emitting diodes
U.S. Patent No. 8,426,039
Chinese Patent No. 1862061
Taiwan Patent No. I428312
9,10-bisphenylphenanthrene derivative and organic light emitting diode using the same
U.S. Patent No. 8,680,760
Chinese Patent No. 102337118
Taiwan Patent No. I419955
Beta-diketone ancillary ligands and their metal complexes used in organic optoelectronic devices
U.S. Patent No. 8,753,756
Taiwan Patent No. I387634
Green phosphorescent iridium complexes, fabrication method thereof and organic light-emitting diodes comprising the same
U.S. Patent No. 8,974,920
Chinese Patent No. 1885490
Taiwan Patent No. I461387
Application of triphenylene derivatives in organic electroluminescent devices
U.S. Patent No. 8,999,522
Chinese Patent No. 1988498
Taiwan Patent No. I567075
6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline derivatives and organic light emitting diode using the same
U.S. Patent No. 9,105,851
Taiwan Patent No. I480309
Composite material of hole-blocking polymer and electron-injection/electron-transport conjugated polymer grafted with crown ether into which metal ion is intercalated, and uses thereof in OLED and organic solar cell
U.S. Patent No. 9,112,158
Taiwan Patent No. I503313
Asymmetric styrene derivatives having carbazole and aniline and organic light emitting diode using the same
U.S. Patent No. 9,184,396
Taiwan Patent No. I465435
6H-indeno[2,1-B]quinoline derivative and organic light emitting diode using the same
U.S. Patent No. 9,356,244
Chinese Patent Application 201510376673
Taiwan Patent No. I579290
Aminoferrocene derivative and tandem organic light-emitting diode containing the same
U.S. Patent No. 9,590,181
Taiwan Patent No. I490205
Triptycene derivatives having symmetric or asymmetric substituents and organic light emitting diode using the same
U.S. Patent No. 9,657,019
Taiwan Patent No. I520963
1,9-diazaphenalene derivative and process for manufacturing the same
U.S. Patent No. 9,741,969
Taiwan Patent No. I564294
Carrier generation material and organic light-emitting diode
U.S. Patent No. 9,853,221
Taiwan Patent No. I574958
Compound, emitting layer of organic light emitting diode and organic light emitting diode device
U.S. Patent No. 9,893,300
Chinese Patent Application 201710133960
Taiwan Patent Application 106107471
Phenanthroimidazole compound and organic light-emitting diode including the same
U.S. Patent Application 20150137083
Taiwan Patent No. I492935
Conjugated aromatic derivatives and organic light emitting diode using the same
U.S. Patent Application 20160329504
Taiwan Patent No. I553094
Aromatic derivatives having electron donating group and electron accepting group and organic light emitting diode using the same
U.S. Patent Application 20170244034
Chinese Patent Application 201610093779
Taiwan Patent No. I571454
Aromatic compound and organic light-emitting diode including the same
U.S. Patent Application 20180013064
Chinese Patent Application 201710541485
Taiwan Patent No. I613205
Japanese Patent Application 2017-135281
Boron-containing compound, emitting layer of organic light emitting diode and organic light emitting diode device
Chinese Patent Application 201510522555 Carrier generation material and organic light emitting diode
Taiwan Patent No. I284144 Organic light emitting diode containing a novel iridium complex as a phosphorescent emitter
Taiwan Patent No. I387575 Synthesis of triphenylene and pyrene based aromatics and their application in OLEDs
Taiwan Patent No. I390007 Triptycene derivatives and their application
Taiwan Patent No. I421329 Iridium complexes and organic light-emitting diodes comprising the same
Taiwan Patent No. I552995 Carbazole serial compounds and organic light emitting diodes utilizing the same

The company that acquires this portfolio will leapfrog the technology of all of its competitors and will be able to offer a far superior TV viewing experience!

Re-Focusing Images on the Human Retina (Zhou): Two U.S. Patents and an Open Continuation

One of the challenges facing manufacturers of visual reality and augmented reality goggles is making the computer-generated image as real-world as possible. In the real world, when people see both far and near objects, the focus lens of the human eye changes shape to make objects at different distances appear focused on the retina of the eye. The result is that when you focus on a close-in object, objects in the distance are blurred, and when you focus on an object in the distance, objects in the foreground are blurred. Current virtual reality and augmented reality technologies do not provide a way to adapt close-in and far-away images to the way that people see far and near objects in the real world because the current technology is limited to a display that is set at a fixed distance to the eyes. This limitation is also the reason for dizziness and headaches after prolonged viewing.

The first patent creates an adaptive optical path that is controlled by measuring the focus depth of the viewer's eye, and providing input for an optical path adjustment that simulates a real-world viewing experience. This is done by monitoring shape changes of the eye lens - a natural process as people view images up close and far away - without a feedback loop that would slow down the process. The newer patent includes technology for an optical mirror array that projects an image onto the retina of the eye, creating an optical path adjustment that simulates a real-world viewing experience without the need for the bulky optical lenses used in current-technology headsets. The patent application covers changing the effective optical distance between a display and a viewer's eyes to adjust to the detected focus depth.

Patent or App. No. Title
9,491,431 Method and Apparatus to Produce Re-Focusable Vision by Direct Retinal Projection with Mirror Array
9,699,433 Method and Apparatus to Produce Re-Focusable Vision with Detecting Re-Focusing Event from Human Eye
10,178,367 Method and Apparatus to Realize Virtual Reality

This portfolio would be a strategic acquisition for any virtual reality or augmented reality headset manufacturer or software developer.

Real-Time Video 9-1-1 System (Zap Systems): Four U.S. Patents

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security puts out a public service message: “If you see something, say something.” Clearly, we all need to be on the lookout for suspicious behavior and report what we see to the authorities. This patent portfolio addresses exactly that situation, but offers a solution that replaces audio communications with real-time video.

The person who has downloaded an app based on this patented technology can send real-time video to the applicable dispatcher – showing the dispatcher an incident such as a medical emergency, fire, accident, robbery, act of terrorism, or natural disaster – and the dispatcher sees the incident live as it happens! It also enables first responders to see the event live en route to the scene. The system includes dispatcher management of multiple video alerts from different users, and it can pull in municipal or other security cameras near the incident. The entire system is web based, so the dispatcher station can be a laptop, PC, or other smart device.

Patent No. Description
8,483,654 System and method for reporting and tracking incidents with a mobile device
8,878,938 System and method for assigning cameras and codes to geographic locations and generating security alerts using mobile phones and other devices
9,154,740 System and method for real time video streaming from a mobile device or other sources through a server to a designated group and to enable responses from those recipients
9,462,028 System and method for simultaneous real time video streaming from multiple mobile devices or other sources through a server to recipient mobile devices or other video displays, enabled by sender or recipient requests, to create a wall or matrix of real time live videos, and to enable responses from those recipients

This is a particularly robust portfolio as each patent includes between 27 and 30 Claims. It would be a critical acquisition for any cell phone/smart phone/PDA/tablet OEM or cellular service provider that wants to offer an app for its customers that can actually save lives.

Vehicle Imaging & Display Portfolio (Delphi).

This formidable portfolio of 15 patents includes technologies that cover several areas of vehicle-based displays, lighting and imaging:

Patent No. Description
7,310,190 Vehicle imaging system with windshield condition determination
7,423,665 Vehicle pathway vision system having in-path delineation reticle
7,548,270 Method of exposure control for an imaging system
7,889,234 Automatic calibration for camera lens distortion correction
8,199,198 Bright spot detection and classification method for a vehicular night-time video imaging system
8,277,055 Multiple view display system using a single projector and method of operating the same
8,279,510 Dual view display
8,305,678 Dual view display system
8,362,992 Dual view display system using a transparent display
8,363,325 Dual view display system
8,379,302 Infrared light distribution pattern control using object detection and electrowetting devices
8,477,401 Windshield with fluorescent electrowetting display
8,500,287 Projection unit having speckle suppression device based on piezoelectric actuating
8,503,088 Windshield display system using electrowetting lenses

Potential acquirers of this portfolio include manufacturers of video displays, video imaging equipment, automotive equipment and automotive aftermarket products.

Patent Brokerage Prospectus: Contact [email protected] to receive an analysis of each portfolio that includes:

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