Patent Brokerage – Sales
IPOfferings launches an active campaign for each client we represent. We create a marketing package for each patent or patent portfolio we agree to broker. It includes a technical evaluation, an economic valuation, market research, analysis of the competitive landscape and, possibly, an illustrative evidence-of-use chart, as well as all forward and backward citations. Using our extensive network of contacts and our knowledge of multiple technologies and applications, we identify the most likely prospects for each patent or patent portfolio. We then put each patent’s marketing presentation in front of the appropriate decision makers at prospective buyers or licensees.
We promote each new patent or portfolio in our monthly newsletter, IP MarketPlace™. It goes to almost 10,000 opt-in recipients each month, and coverage in the newsletter often generates prospects for the property. We add each new portfolio to our Patent MarketPlace. As one of the busiest IP sites on the Internet, just adding a patent to our website will generate inquiries. We often issue a news release for the new patents we represent, and send it to the trade press. Articles in trade magazines often generate leads for these properties. As you can see, we take a multi-media approach to make sure that all possible prospects for a patent or portfolio know about it!
We solicit as many offers as possible, and we help facilitate the buyer’s due diligence process by including in our marketing package the information we know buyers will want in order to evaluate the patent. The more interested prospects we can identify, the higher a price we can negotiate. And, of course, you, the patent owner, have final approval on any offers we bring to you for your consideration. We then negotiate an agreement and close the sale.
Patent buyers fall into four general categories:
- Strategic Buyers: These are businesses that are doing business in a specific market or technology and would have an interest in your patent(s), or that plan to expand into that space and your patent(s) will enable them to utilize your patented technology.
- Financial Buyers: Some companies will buy a patent or patent portfolio with the objective of making money from it – either developing or licensing it.
- Aggregators: These are companies that acquire large numbers of patents in specific technologies, applications or industries.
- Defensive Alliances: Companies will sometimes pool their resources and acquire patents for defensive purposes.
To have your patent or patents considered by IPOfferings for sale, licensing or other monetization by us, send an e-mail to [email protected] and include the following information:
- A list of the patents by patent number and title
- A summary of the technology covered by the patent(s)
- The markets for the technology covered by the patent(s)
- Your contact information
- Any other information you believe we would find helpful.
We cannot consider represent you in the monetization of your patent(s) without this information. If the intellectual property you want to monetize is not issued U.S. Patents, then provide a detailed description of what your IP consists of.
For additional information, please download our Patent Brokerage Services Data Sheet.