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Patent MarketPlace: Consumer Electronics Patents and Trademarks for Sale

Do-It-Yourself Acupressure Facial (Touch + Glow): U.S. Patent Nos. 12,023,298 and 12,029,702

Acupuncture has been around for over two thousand years and has been a proven treatment for numerous ailments and conditions. One very effective use for acupuncture is to tighten the skin, removing and softening wrinkles to create a fresher, younger, look and feel. Wouldn’t it be great if we could have the benefit of acupuncture without all those needles? With acupressure we can.

This patent family creates a non-invasive, therapeutic wand with point prescription acupressure protocol. The user follows the instructions by touching the tip of the wand to specific points on the face. The tip of the wand vibrates while it also produces a magnetic field, and the combination of the two tightens the skin as the wand passes over it, significantly softening wrinkles. This simple process is easy, painless, safe, and highly effective. The wand includes a printed circuit board and timer that guides the user through the massage.

Not only can U.S. Patent Nos. 12,023,298 and 12,029,702 for a “Therapeutic wand system, kit, and method” be used for a highly effective acupressure facial, its versatility gives the owner the flexibility to create therapeutic acupressure point remedies for pain management, sleep disturbances, stress, and other ailments. This patent family would be a strategic acquisition for any manufacturer in the healthcare or beauty industry.

Higher-Efficiency Cooling Fans (Stokes Technology): International Patent Portfolio

Cooling fans are everywhere. Every electrical and electronic device – from computers to refrigerators and air conditioning systems and everything in between – generate heat that has to be dispelled. The most efficient way to do that is with a fairly simple electric fan that expels the hot air to the exterior of the electrical or electronic device. Some of these fans run 24/7 while others are on a thermostat that turns them On and Off. Not much innovation has occurred with these fans over the last century or so.

Until now, that is! The invention team behind this international patent portfolio has created optimized designs that significantly outperform all cooling fan products currently on the market. The patents in this portfolio cover:

International Patent Portfolio